One of the great features of Mill Farm is the wildlife surrounding the farm. Much of this beautiful wildlife can be spotted from the very comfort of a luxury canvas lodge or from the Mill Farm House. Many of these animals can be spotted during the daytime such as deer, rabbits, foxes and species of birds such as the Kingfisher and birds of prey such as the Kestrel.

One creature that is far less likely to make an appearance though is the badger. Badgers are very much nocturnal, and are rare to be seen even by those that are running the land on a day to day basis such as Farmers Joe & Chris.

Mill Farm is keen to introduce its very own Badger Watching Hide.

This will give guests the opportunity to get close to badgers and to be able to watch what they get up to while everyone is fast asleep.

The badger sets are situated along the stream at Mill Farm and have been for many generations.

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